2011 Irish Peace Centres International Summer SchoolCorrymeela Centre in Ballycastle was the setting for the Irish Peace Centres’ first International Summer School.
The event was held from 1-4 August 2011 on the North Antrim coast and brought together academics and peace practitioners from Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, USA, Israel, Palestine, South Africa and the rest of the UK. The event ran a series of workshops throughout the course of four days which centred on the peace-building activity of the IPC consortium at local, regional and international levels. The workshops provided a comprehensive taster of the activities that the consortium rolls out in diverse communities, and captured the thematic areas of the consortium’s work including women and peace-building; ex-combatants, survivors, wider society and storytelling; theology and peace; interpersonal relationships and well-being. |
2012 Summer Study Tour of St. Mary's UniversityThe theme was "Conflict Transformation in Northern Ireland: Theory and Practice." The purpose of this trip was to provide graduate students an "on-the-ground" encounter with seasoned practitioners and world-class scholars experienced in the field of conflict resolution in Northern Ireland and around the world.
The study tour was based at the Peace and Reconciliation Centre of the Corrymeela Community, an ecumenical Christian community that works to address the social, political and religious differences within the divided society of Northern Ireland. The trip was held June 24 - July 1, 2012. |
2012 Lilly Fellows Program Summer Seminar for College and University TeachersRepresenting Corrymeela, I was an applicant with Dr. John Pinheiro of Aquinas College, and we wrote a successful application for a $56,000 Lilly Fellows Program Grant.
The award funded "Peace and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland: Theory and Practice" which was the courses we developed and delivered as the 2012 Lilly Fellows Program Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers. The seminar was guided by Pádraig Ó Tuama, and held at the Corrymeela Centre in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland during July 2012. |
2011 Irish Peace Centres
International Summer School Team Members: Paul Hutchinson, Paddy Logue, Pádraig Ó Tuama, Susan McEwen, Owen Donnelly, Alastair Little, Wilhem Verwoerd, Laura Stewart, Stephanie Burns, Bronagh Sharpe, and Andrew Hill. |
2012 Summer Study Tour of St. Mary's University
Team Members: Aaron Tyler, Larry Hufford, Matt Scrimgeour, Laurie Tyler, Andrew Hill, Mary Lynne Hill, and (not pictured below) Michael Sullivan. |
2012 Lilly Fellows Program Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers Team Members:
Andrew Hill, John Pinheiro, Pádraig Ó Tuama (below), Matt Scrimgeour, and Paul Hutchinson |
2011 Summer Study Tour of St. Mary's University"The Northern Ireland trip took students on an educational journey into the multifarious field of conflict transformation. During the week in Northern
Ireland, students encountered "lived" experiences of conflict transformation and were introduced to some of the core theories, strategies, and applications useful for transforming violent conflicts and cultivating reconciliation. The Corrymeala Centre in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland was the center of the trip. Day trips to Londonderry and Belfast rounded out the students' firsthand experience. A variety of groups visited Corrymeala to engage the students in discussion of the historical, religious, and societal implications of the civil strife and the measures underway to heal the wounds of a country and its citizens." |
2011 Summer Study Tour of St. Mary's University at the Corrymeela Peace and Reconciliation Centre, Ballycastle, Northern Ireland
2011 Summer Study Tour of St. Mary's University at the Corrymeela Peace and Reconciliation Centre, Ballycastle, Northern Ireland
Project Administrator, 2010 - 2011